Money Monthly provides you with a very easy way of tracking your monthly finances! Unlike similar apps in the Finance space, Money Monthly will not overload you with data, it was built around simplicity. It allows you to quickly enter all of your monthly bills/incomes, categorising each entry if you wish, providing a summary of where all your money is going.
Spending too much on clothes? Need to keep an eye on your cashflow? Let Money Monthly help you out!
- Overview of your total income, expense and balance for the month.
- Allows you to enter a limited amount of transactions quickly and easily.
- Sort transactions by date or amount.
- Recurring option available to save you entering the same transactions each week/month.
- Customise your categories to allow you to track where all your money is going.
- Colourful graphs and charts to break down your finances over the year by category or cashflow.
- Choose between a number of currencies.
- Social network integration to tell your friends about Money Monthly.
Why not try out Money Monthly for FREE before deciding on purchasing!
See full version of Money Monthly for extra features including:
- Unlimited transactions.
- No Ads.
- Secure login option to keep your finances private.
- Email your transaction data to a csv file for easy import into a spreadsheet.
- View and add transactions by Category.